Blue Ridge Parkway Proposal | Rob + Madeleine

Nothing could put a damper on this day...not even Hurricane Joaquin.

The plan was to go on a double date hike to Rough Ridge near Boone, NC before a wedding shower for some of our friends. {Fun fact: there was no wedding shower, totally made up, even designed and mailed an invitation to Madeleine to make it seem legit.} Non-stop pouring rain the whole ride up from Greenville, but that didn't stop us. However, the road that led up to Rough Ridge being closed...did stop us. 

Props to Rob for thinking quick on his feet and remembering a beautiful bridge that we had passed on the way that would be the new spot. Disguised as stopping to at least take a picture since we drove all the way up there, we pulled off to the side of the road and made our way out into the middle of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

So much joy & so much surprise. Will and I are so happy to have been able to witness and share in this day. Rob & Madeleine, we are SOOO happy for you!! :)

Also, proposal and kissing in the rain...The Notebook anyone?

{Blue Ridge Parkway, NC}